Fives, officially the Fives Republic, is a country in central Rolphania. The Fives are situated between the Baleful and Brickean seas to the north, and the Mel'los Mountains to the south. Fives borders Phranatica to the west, Dostrie Acronia and Flatsy Glabrävia to the east, Splits to the north and REDACTED to the south. Its name is derived from the five federal regions that constitute the country: Mäzen, Beyserra, Nauslea, Älvehok, and Glovrädus, from east to west, respectfully.
Before the Rotten Revolution, the King appointed a governor to administer each region, then called provinces. Each provincial governor could act largely independent of the royal government, required only to provide a significant portion of the taxes collected and, in times of war (normally, the royal army consists of voluntary enlistment and randomized compulsory service), to provide some percentage of the population as conscripts for the royal army.